Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Training Tuesdays: 10.11.11.

My last 20-miler is in the books and I am ready to taper.

Hallelujah and amen.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Remember back in late August when l posted on feeling the first hints of fall and reminiscing about back-to-school shopping? Back then I put together a collage of all the fall (back-to-school) items I really wanted to purchase, but I never posted it. Well here it is. And since I've had six weeks since I put it together, I can see what from my list of must-haves I now actually have.

*lace top (H&M), blouse, dress
trousers, *skirt (H&M)
clutch, *rings (H&M), necklace
leather watch, gold watch, *glasses
Oxfords (Payless), red heels, black heels, leopard heels

The funny thing is, when I wasn't working, I had time to shop but no money. Now that I'm working, I have a little pocket change, but don't feel like spending time in a store at the end of a long day. However, I have not been able to get the teal Zara dress, Asos clutch and Target leopard print heels off my mind for the past few weeks. Maybe I'll do a little online shopping this weekend.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Training Tuesdays: 10.04.11.

After a grueling few weeks that included a half marathon, a 20-miler and a 17-turned-18.5-miler, we finally had a break this past weekend. The group met in downtown DC, at the Department of the Interior building on Constitution Avenue, snapped a group picture and headed off on an easy 10-miler that included some key stretches of the marathon course. Haines Point: Miles 11 - 15. The 14th Street Bridge: Miles 20-21. And, most importantly, Arlington Cemetary to the Netherlands Carillon: Miles 25 - 26.2.

After all the pace groups crossed the finish line, the coaches said a few words and we turned around to head back to DC to have a team brunch. As we were crossing Memorial Bridge (the one beneath where it says "Water Points"), the sun came out for the first time all morning and it started pouring rain. We turned around to look back toward Virginia, and the finish line to see a huge rainbow.

I think this is a good omen.

This week I'm going to take it a little easy. I'm still not feeling gung-ho about completing my mid-week runs, but I'm getting them done. With our last 20-miler this weekend, I can see the end in sight.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Sometime around the middle of November, I'll have a weekend where I get to wake up early, but not too early, to a clean house, read a book on the couch and watch the morning light stream in through the windows. This past weekend was not that weekend. All told, I had three brunches, six trips into and out of the city, ran ten miles, walked four miles and generally spent a fantastic weekend with fantastic friends.