Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Training Tuesdays: 08.02.11.

Funny story -

I get home from another hot, but not as hot as last week, 17-mile run on Sunday, hobble inside and take off my running shoes and socks. I make my post-run chocolate milk, grab a snack and sit down on the ground to stretch. When I look over at my socks, I see something red on them and think, "Am I bleeding?" My toes have no blisters on them. I'm not in any outrageous pain (just 17-miles-is-a-helluva-long-way pain). And then I realize...my toenail polish melted.

Let me say that again. My toenail polish melted during my run.


So, now that we've established that a 17-mile run is so long it will melt your toenail polish, let's talk about something important: nutrition. I'm going to spend the next few weeks talking about what I eat before, during and after my runs. Let's be honest, I really shouldn't be giving anyone tips on general nutrition. I start salivating as soon as I see a McDonald's. And hubs and I have made it a new tradition to stop at the DQ in Camp Hill, Pennsylvania, every time we drive home from visiting my family in New Jersey. Michelle Obama would be ashamed.

But over the course of the nine years I have been distance running, I have figured out what foods and drinks work for me when I'm running, but only because of a lot of trial and error. Different strokes for different folks, y'all. I encourage you to find out what your body will and will not tolerate. This is my pre-run meal every weekend:

First, coffee. There is a 0% chance of me waking up at 5:00am to do anything, let alone run, if there is not coffee involved. I usually drink one mug of coffee. It wakes me up and helps get things moving, if you know what I mean. I also eat a banana before every run longer than 4 miles. (Less than 4 miles, I usually grab half a cup of coffee and go.) A banana fills me up and is loaded with potassium to help prevent muscle cramps. Lastly, a PowerBar. These are the two flavors I can stomach. Right now I'm jonesing on the Berry Fruit Smoothie flavor, and I'm hoping I'll be able to get through the entire training schedule and marathon before I decide I never want to see another Berry Fruit Smoothie PowerBar for as long as I live. Then I'll buy a box of Cookies and Cream.

So that's it. Depending on the length of the run, I may only eat a few bites of the PowerBar and banana, or the all of both. Next week I'll talk more about what I eat and drink during my long runs. There are hundreds of brands and types of gels and beans and chews and bars and pills and drinks out there. I have found what works for me only by trying a lot, and I mean a lot of different things. Stay tuned.

This is my running schedule for the rest of the week:

As you can see, it is a cut-back week. Can I get an amen?


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